Introduction to the 'DDAR 'Less-Paper' Campaign'

This year,  DDAR are going to run a campaign to reduce the amount of paper we use. In the months ahead, the Green Impact team will be looking at how paper usage can be reduced in the particular projects they are involved with.  

We'll then measure paper usage on printers and copiers over 12 months since launch to quantify our success, share our findings and try to embed the less-paper ethos in everything we do as a division. 

Here's a few 'Use-less' suggestions to help us cut down on our paper usage:

Paper Clutter:
A good place to start, looking through and recycling/shredding/filing any papers in our offices or on our desks that are no longer relevant. 

Electronic Note-taking:
There are numerous 'apps' to aid note-taking in meetings so have a browse to see which one suits you and your tablet/smartphone

Printing & Copying:

Change your margins to smaller numbers. Compared to the standard settings, you could use up to14% less paper!

Meeting Agendas:
If your meeting takes place in a room with AV support, project the agenda on a screen so everyone can read it.  Alternatively, take fewer printed agendas to meetings and share with colleagues. 

4 Handy Tips to take away:

1) Use both sides of the sheet of paper, whether for copying or printing.

2) Print only the pages you need by using the “Print Selection’ function.

3) In Word, go to File, then Page Setup. Then choose Reduce the Margins and set
Use efficient fonts like Times New Roman or Arial –these fonts use significantly less

4) Use the print preview function before printing any Word or Excel document to avoid copy mistakes.