Let's talk about the birds and the bees...

biodiversity tracker app!
Our survival depends on biodiversity. Plants, animals and their habitats enrich our everyday lives, but they also have another important role to play. They provide the vital elements for life to exist.
"UK faces food security catastrophe as honeybee numbers fall", "'Shocking' decline of UK countryside birds revealed", screams The Guardian newspaper. Which is what the UMAPIT app (University of Manchester Animal Positions and Information Tracker), hopes to monitor both across the campus and across the UK.
However the app, which has been developed by staff at the University, focuses on more than animals of the winged variety. It also allows you to document sightings of creatures such as frogs, toads, insects and foxes. The app allows quick and easy recording of selected species which have been spotted either on the University campus or throughout the country, enabling you to capture details of the encounter on an interactive map.