Are you missing out?
As a staff member of the University of Manchester, there are lots of ways in which you can get involved with sustainability. There are opportunities requiring different amounts of time, so however much time you have to spare, there is something for you!
The Sustainability Seminar Series seeks to present opportunities for staff and students to make positive contributions to our local environment. The seminars explore a range of topics with short presentations from academics, researchers, professional support staff and colleagues from across the city. The next seminar will be held on Wednesday, 10 May, and you can sign up for free via the website.
Become a Sustainability Champion: Time: less than 5 minutes
If you are interested in meeting and learning from how others across the institution are creating positive change in their own context this network could offer a great way to keep in touch with others. Sustainability Champions form an institution-wide network of individuals who are leading drives towards sustainability in their own areas and in a range of ways. Download your copy here.
In addition to the blog, we also run an active Twitter account where we post useful information about how to live more sustainably, information about upcoming events and vegetarian recipes. You can find our Twitter account here.
The University environmental sustainability department also has its own Twitter account. @UoMSust provides information about what is happening around the campus. Tweet them using #UoMSust
Sign up for the Social Responsibility e-Newsletter: Time: less than 5 minutes

Social Responsibility is embedded across many areas of the University, including Faculties and Schools, Professional Support Services and our Cultural Institutions.
The Office of Social Responsibility releases an e-Newsletter regularly to allow you to find out what's going on around campus. You can sign up for the e-Newsletter mailing list here.
There's lots of information about what else happening on campus on the Environmental Sustainability Portal, so why not see how else you can get involved?
Sign up for the Social Responsibility e-Newsletter: Time: less than 5 minutes

Social Responsibility is embedded across many areas of the University, including Faculties and Schools, Professional Support Services and our Cultural Institutions.
The Office of Social Responsibility releases an e-Newsletter regularly to allow you to find out what's going on around campus. You can sign up for the e-Newsletter mailing list here.
There's lots of information about what else happening on campus on the Environmental Sustainability Portal, so why not see how else you can get involved?