CEAS Sustainable Transport Coffee Morning Follow-Up

Following last week’s CEAS Head of School Office Green Impact Sustainable Transport Coffee Morning focusing on cycling, here are some summaries from Richard and James with the details you need to take the next steps – or pedals!

From Richard Armitage, cargo-bike speaker:

Manchester Bike Hire

Richard Armitage and Pavol Gajdos will be happy to loan you a cargo bike to try out, under the Triangulum Electric Cargo Bike Loan Scheme. Email Pavol at: pavol@manchesterbikehire.co.uk and feel free to call in their Shop at 200 Chapel Street, Salford, M3 6BY.

Manchester Bike Hire also offers a fully professional bike repair and maintenance service, with a free courtesy bike for you if your bike is in the workshop. The Tours Manager, Jon Faulkner (E: tours@manchesterbikehire.co.uk ] would be happy to take you on one of their guided tours or to accompany you on your first ride into work, helping you to find the best route for you.

Bambino Biking – getting all the family cycling together

Some of you have young children and are wondering how best to juggle their needs with your preference for cycling to work. Chris Leakey, Bambino Biking’s manager, will be delighted to assist. Bambino helps parents and families to get out cycling with their kids. Whether it’s the nursery or school run, the weekly shop, a family ride somewhere nice or a cycle camping adventure, they can help you find the right set up. Bambino Biking trial and advice sessions are run regularly in Manchester, as well as hire and sales of kids bike seats, bike trailers and tag-a-longs. Bambino carries a wide range of brands to suit all budgets and different individual needs and is opening a Family Cycling Library. Email Chris on chris@bambinobiking.co.uk.

Green Commute Initiative

If you want to take advantage of the HMRC approved Cycle to Work Scheme, Manchester Bike Hire is a member of the Green Commute Initiative and can assist you to get an ordinary or an electric-assist bike plus accessories.

From James Winterburn, cycling commuter

Here are some links to useful information for those of you interested in cycling, or who already do. I am always more than happy to talk about cycling to work with anyone who wants to, just drop by my office at C76, The Mill.

General UoM Cycling Information;

University of Manchester Bicycle Users’ Group;

Cycle to Work Scheme (to save when buying bikes/equipment);

Transport for Greater Manchester Cycle Training;

General UoM Staff Benefits (15% at outdoor shops and Cycle Surgery);

Monthly Cyclist Breakfast and Events;