[sustainability seminar] Integrating sustainability into the UoM curriculum: A student-centred approach.

The first sustainability seminar of the 2018/19 series is taking place on the 22 November 2018. Please below for details.

There is a body of recent research indicating that a significant majority of students expect sustainability to be actively integrated and promoted in HE teaching.

A growing number of Universities recognise their responsibilities in doing so but those efforts are limited and rarely correspond to student expectations.

In this seminar we (students and academics) explore why sustainability needs to be more firmly integrated into the curriculum at the UoM, why doing so is a matter of urgency and how students can influence how that happens.

Through short presentations, Lizzy Haughton ad Adam Haigh, representatives of the student network People & Planet, make an appeal for the greater integration of sustainability into the curriculum. They suggest forms that integration can take, ones shaped by students themselves. Vladimir Jankovic and Susan Brown talk about their work in integrating sustainability into their teaching and how working in collaboration with students can open up innovative possibilities for the greater integration of sustainability in the curriculum.

The presentations will be followed by a panel/audience discussion around the forms that sustainability in the curriculum can take at the University of Manchester.

Register your attendance here and please share this with any colleagues who may be interested.